Sharing Your Medical Information

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Patient's Details

Information we need to register you with the practice
Please note all fields marked with a * are mandatory for your registration

Summary Care Record

Sharing Your Medical Information

Health professionals are trained to keep your records secure and to manage them responsibly and in confidence. There are several models for sharing data which have all been put into place nationally and locally in different years. Please see the Data Sharing Table which shows what information is shared and links below for more information. 

Sharing your record benefits you because: 

  • You won't need to repeat your medical history
  • You avoid unnecessary appointments and tests
  • Your health professional has the right information at the right time

Patients have rights to dissent from sharing their data with other organisations.

Please choose options below:

Summary Care Record Additional Information

If you wish to consent for additional information to be added to the SCR, coded items and the supporting free text will be added. 

This will include: 

  • Significant Medical History (past and present) 
  • Reason for medication 
  • Anticipatory care information (such as information about the management of long term conditions) 
  • End of life care information (from the SCCI1580 national dataset) 
  • Immunisations 

The National Data Opt Out: for more information or to “Opt Out” please visit the NHS Your Data Matters Website


What happens to my information?

Personal and medical information about patients registered at this practice are primarily kept electronically, although some is kept in paper form. Some information will be sent to hospital consultants and other health professionals to whom you are referred by your GP in order to provide continued healthcare and obtain treatment for you.

We sometimes use accredited suppliers for our communication with you, for example when we send recall letters for review clinics or medication reviews. All suppliers we use are checked carefully to ensure they comply with strict confidentiality protocols.

To ensure the security of all patient information, all staff that has access to your records is covered by confidentiality clauses in their contracts and the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act. Our guiding principle is that we hold your records in strict confidence.

I certify that the information I have provided is correct and consent to my personal and medical information being used as stated above.

Privacy Consent

This form collects personal and medical information about you. We use this information to allow the practice team to contact you. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.


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