Suggestions and Complaints
We are always pleased to receive your comments both formally and informally.
We are committed to high standards of medical care and any suggestions about how we can improve our services are always welcome.
If you have any comments about the surgery or the service please feel free to contact any doctor or other member of staff. You can also submit any comments via our online Patient Feedback form.
If you have complaints regarding the service offered please direct in writing to Dr. S. S. Ramsden, Dr. P. J. Reid or the Practice Manager.
We will try to deal with problems and enquiries as promptly and efficiently as possible. If however a patient is rude or aggressive towards our staff we will take action which may involve warnings or removal from the practice list. Where we feel there is a risk to staff or other patients we will call the police. Please complete the online form to inform us of a complaint, compliment or comment.